Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Physical Therapy?

Physical Therapy is a branch of health that uses exercises, stretching, and hands-on treatments to help people who are recovering from injuries or surgery. The physical therapy could also play an important role in helping someone get back into the swing of things by alleviating their pain as well as improving their overall abilities.

What Exactly Does A Physical Therapist Do?

A physical therapist is a health care professional who evaluates, diagnoses and provides treatment for patients. They are often referred to as PTs.

After the evaluation, your PT will provide you with a plan on how to reduce or eliminate symptoms that may be interfering with everyday movements and help you meet goals in ways they see fit. Techniques used by therapists include stretching, exercising and hands-on therapy along with other methods like equipment usage; every person experiences something slightly different as each case is unique due to “no one size fits all” plans created by their PTs; however all therapies should alleviate any pain experienced while meeting individual goals set out of what they feel appropriate in order for them to reach the best state possible at this stage of life

Can Physical Therapy Be Done At Home?

That’s right! We’re here to help you feel better, whether it’s our local clinic or your own home. Our telehealth platform CONNECT is a high-level physical therapy service that provides you with treatment in the comfort and convenience of your home.

What Do They Do At Physical Therapy?

We can’t answer this question for you until during your initial appointment with your physical therapist. After our discussion, they will do an assessment to determine what kind of care is appropriate for you. Every plan is individualized and we want to make sure that our PTs take the time and effort needed in order to ensure that YOU understand what their treatment plans entail.

How Long Should I Do Physical Therapy?

Following your first discussion and assessment with a physical therapist, they will develop an individualized treatment plan for you. The duration of this plan is determined by the symptoms you have and what you are trying to achieve in the short-term or long-term.

Once therapy has begun, this plan may shift based on how far along you are when it comes to reaching your goals – if not enough effort is being put into sessions, then that might mean needing more time out of them because progress isn’t as easy to come by. It also means that getting back up on track after any setbacks may happen much quicker due to the efforts made during therapy sessions!

Is Physical Therapy Necessary?

There are so many reasons why you should try physical therapy! We understand one of the biggest questions on your mind is “why would I need to go to PT if my pain isn’t due to an injury or surgery?” The answer is, PT can be used as both a preventative measure and rehabilitative measure in order for you stay pain-free. Here are our top three reasons why we recommend physical therapy:

  • It can reduce and/or eliminate your pain.
  • It can help make sure that surgical measures aren’t taken which could only aggravate the condition.
  • It has improved mobility and helped people manage other issues like chronic heart disease, arthritis etcetera